Good day, Sophians! The following were the main points during the Homily of Father Rosanno Soriano, MS, based on the readings this Sunday:
1. We must ensure good connection with the Lord. However, relationship with God is not only about having faith in Him or loving Him. There must also be a connection with the community or the church. For instance, we cannot just attend the mass but we need to take part in community activities directed towards service to others. Our love for the Lord must be connected with how we relate to those who are in need. Faith must be reflected in our actions. If we love the Lord, we have to follow His commandments and do things which please Him.
2. The Lord assures us that blessings will be poured towards those who remain in Him. We must continue to reflect to be able to see clearly the things which disconnects or separates us from the Lord. This will allow us to fully enjoy a blessed life with Him.
We continue to extend our prayers of blessing and protection to all. Let us stay safe and healthy!